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Your Source for Thin Film Process & Test Solutions!
Attention Re: US Chips Act & Corporate Funding:
US government & corporations to invest >$100B USD in the semiconductor industry over the next 10 yrs.
NANI's sales & marketing management expertise will strategically position your process & test equipment to compete effectively and close sales during this period of unprecedented growth!

We invite you to visit our EU partner's web site @

Materials, thin film and device researchers & manufacturers working within the aerospace, MEMS, photonics, photovoltaics, semiconductor, sensor, spintroncs, and bio-tech industries utilize a wide variety of process tools for thermal, deposition and etch applicaitons.
NANI presents the following thin film process solution provider:
Nines Photovoltaics is the developer of the ADE© (atmospheric dry etch) process technology: a novel, low cost, development and high volume manufacturing Si texturing process for use in the PV solar cell industry and thin film battery markets enabling manufacturers to differentiate their offerings in terms of capex, CoO and device performance.
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